Drumroll Please....
Max's First Tooth!
So, being the responsible blogging mommy that I am, I set off to take pictures of the monumental event.
But in other tooth related news, Ashlynn lost her first tooth last week. After the first trip to a dentist in who knows how long (bad mommy!) I took the girls in to find out that Ashlynn had an abscessed tooth. (Even worse Mommy! In my defense, she never complained about it1) So, since she's almost six, we decided to have the tooth pulled instead of worrying about trying to save it.
Ashlynn was a little trooper. The laughing gas provided much entertainment for all of us, especially when Ashlynn started telling me that her hands felt slimy, and that she felt like she was inside a candy store. A few pulls by the dentist and we were finished!
Cute pictures!
ReplyDeleteStacy, I just love your sense of humor. Love it, love it.
ReplyDeletesome kids getting teeth, some losing 'em. sounds a lot like my family! I'm also a home birthin', nursin', pretty crunchy mama! Glad to meet you. Found you on Mormon Mommy blogs. ;)