Friday, July 30, 2010

Outta here!

I haven't been away on my own without my kids for almost four years. 

That's changing in t-minus 5 hours and counting.

It's Girls' weekend this weekend! 

A bunch of my birth-y friends, including the midwife and doula who were at Max's birth, plus all the girls I worked with in my former life as a doula are coming.  We're spending the weekend at a cabin in Boulder, UT where we plan to stay up way too late, eat tons of junk food, and do lots and lots of laughing.

And did I mention that I won't have any kids crawling on me, or fighting for attention, or destroying things, or bickering for two whole days?  I may not come back!

It's ok, you can be jealous. 


  1. I am!! Have a great time. :)

  2. For once, I'm not jealous... because on Sunday I am going out of town without my kids for 3 days! (We're celebrating our 15th anniversary early.)

    Have fun! You deserve it!

  3. Jealous, but so happy for you!

    Have FUN!

  4. Hooray, hooray! Hope it's perfect.


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